Existing Everything DiSC Workplace members can add on the Everything DiSC® Management Profile. In order to purchase this "add-on" you must have taken the Everything DiSC Workplace Profile on Catalyst through our organization. There is no need to take another assessment. We simply port in your responses on Catalyst into the Management Report and voila!
This assessment profile teaches managers about their strengths and weaknesses. It helps managers get better at delegation, leadership development, executive coaching, and more. As managers learn their DiSC management styles, they’ll learn how to be a more effective leader to the people they direct.
Everything DiSC Management allows managers to:
- Motivate both themselves and their team.
- Learn about their preferences and priorities.
- Delegate more easily and effectively.
- Help their staff develop and advance.
Improve management skills and flexibility:
The Everything DiSC Management Profile will improve your workplace culture by providing personalized insights that inspire behavior change. This personal development learning experience works by teaching managers more about themselves, their bosses, and their employees. As individuals learn these insights, they’ll also learn the tools they need to communicate and collaborate more effectively with everyone.
This management profile includes the following features:
- 26-page report that’s helpful to managers at any level.
- Tools to help you motivate your staff of employees.
- Tips for working with your own manager.
- 15-20 minute survey with results available upon completion — it’s easy to fit the assessment into your busy day.
- The language of the assessment is easily understood, with no need for an assessment professional.
View sample of the Everything DiSC Management Profile.
After completing this transformational learning experience, managers will be equipped with the knowledge they need to affect true culture change.
Follow up tools:
Three complimentary reports are available for facilitators. The Supplement for Facilitators Report provides more details about someone’s DiSC results. The Everything DiSC Comparison Report can be generated with any two people who have completed an Everything DiSC profile to help them understand how they can better work together. The Team View Report provides a quick overview of each participant’s style and dot placement which can be helpful during a workshop to quickly reference the participant’s style.
View sample of the Supplement for Facilitators Report.
View sample of the Comparison Report.
View sample of the Team View Report.
Add on requirements:
In order to purchase an add on profile, you must already have an existing Everything DiSC Catalyst Workplace profile.
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