The Group Culture Report is based on the idea of group culture. The culture of a group influences the behavior of each individual group member. Group culture also affects the overall success of the group as a whole. Becoming more aware of your group’s culture can help your group meet its goals more quickly and efficiently.
In order to generate this report, you’ll need at least three individuals who completed Everything DiSC Profiles. The report works with Everything DiSC Workplace, Management, Productive Conflict, or Sales. The report is anonymous and does not include names, so it’s easy to share with the entire group in a follow-up session after taking the initial DiSC assessment.
Once the Culture Report is ready, it will include:
- An introduction to DiSC and Group Culture
- Your unique DiSC Culture
- Information on the separate D, i, S and C Cultures
The report includes questions to use as conversation starters. Use this Culture Report as a launching pad to generate discussion about the potential issues within your group. Questions like “Do we let status get in the way of good decision making?” can help everybody see situations in a new light. The Culture Report provides valuable insight on your group’s culture and functions as a starting point to help you brainstorm about ways to strengthen and improve.
View sample of the Culture Report
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